domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Redoguitars & Orquesta Boulevard

Orquesta Boulevard & redoguitars by redo

"Kartoncaster" & Spanish guitar (:

Aquí os dejo un vídeo en dónde salen las guitarras que dibujé para la carroza de peña
de las fiestas de La Zaida, y que pintamos los de la peña.
¡Una grata sorpresa!

Otro día postearé fotos del Making off (;

Salud & Rock and Roll!

Here you can watching a video where are the guitars that I draw for the "carroza" of the "peña"
of the festivities of La Zaida, and painted with the help of the peña.
Peña: (Group of friends that celebrate together in a local festivities in a town or a city in Spain). 

Another day I'll posting photos of the Making off (; 

Health & Rock and Roll!

Y aquí unas fotos que tomé ésa noche.

martes, 8 de abril de 2014

CIPAJ´s Magazine April circulation

I took photos in some places of Zaragoza where you can take the magazine Cipaj this month.

In Cipaj, the libraries, tourist offices, colleges, School of Art, pubs...
(Librería General de Aragón, tourist points Plaza de España and Plaza del Pilar)

sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

CIPAJ´s Magazine April 2014

It was a nice surprise to find inside the newspaper yesterday, the cover that I designed for the Cipaj´s magazine. It is a magazine oriented for young people, with information about courses, concerts and festivals, work orientation and a lot of things more ...
My cover was one of the winners of the Cipaj´s covers contest.
Inside, in the page number 3 there is a short biography about me.

Circulation of the magazine 55,000 copies 


Eduardo Redorat, author of the cover.
I was born in Zaragoza and I am passionate about Design, Illustration and Photography. I made a job of my vocation when after graduation in the School of Arts, I kept studying, obtaining the titles of Superior Technician in illustration and Superior Technician in Design and Editorial Production, this offered me the opportunity to move to Germany to practice as a graphic designer. Back here in Zaragoza, I continue learning and taking courses. You can reach me at and

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014


Hello! My name is Eduardo Redorat
I am illustrator and designer,
and in this blog I will be showing some of my works...